Sep 11 2017 That oh-so-covetable experience of taking a dip in your very own pool? Millions of American households enjoy it, at least when the weather’s nice. With the summer heat ratcheting up, you may be coming down with a...
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Aug 4 2017 As a busy homeowner, it's easy to fall into the trap of pushing off tasks that maintain the long-term value of your home in favor of more pressing problems. That’s OK, to a point, as certain house-cleaning projects...
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Jul 7 2017 Your home protects you from the elements, but heavy rains can weaken that protection. With a little maintenance and a lot of vigilance, it’s not hard to stay safe and dry. Spring rainstorms are a fact of life in many...
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Jun 2 2017 Home improvement: It’s a never-ending process for many people, and for those of us who aren’t necessarily handy, it can be a hassle, too. But there are plenty of simple maintenance tasks and other improvements you can...
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May 5 2017 Apartment living can have many advantages: low maintenance, close to work and entertainment, and ease of changing residence. But, if you’re a dog owner, apartment living can present some difficulties. You probably won’t...
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Apr 7 2017 In today’s economy, everyone is pinching pennies. So why worry about umbrella coverage? Shouldn’t a home and auto policy leave you adequately covered? Unfortunately, we live in a world of lawsuits. Large damages can be...
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Nov 1 2016 How would you like to have more control over your home? Increased security for you and your family? Better energy efficiency? Or just more enjoyment out of life? New technology can help you can achieve all of those...
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